Category Archives: Welcome

Welcome to Woshite World!

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Welcome to Woshite World!

There is growing interest in documents written in the ancient Woshite script. This phenomenon occurs not only in its native land of Japan, but also in English-speaking countries and elsewhere. As a Russian site points out, Woshite may be useful as an international writing system.

Woshite is a systematic, analytically designed system conveying profound physical and philosophical principles.

Reading Woshite literature, we are led to a time in the distant past when people lived in harmony with each other, with nature, and with the rest of the universe.

Such a world is also timeless, and is accessible to us today and in the future.

Woshite text is composed in lines of five and seven syllables. Five and seven form the rhythm of Earth and Cosmos.

Reciting Woshite text out loud, especially the Awa-no-uta, is said to enhance communication between people and has health benefits as well.

For these reasons — or simply for the joy of it — we encourage you to learn to read Woshite and read the texts in the original.

We will guide you. Welcome to Woshite World!

P.S. To benefit best from this site, please read the basic articles in numbered order.